What is Holotropic Breathwork?™
Holotropic Breathwork™ is a powerful natural method of self-exploration, personal transformation and healing.
Deeper and faster breathing
Evocative music
Focused energy release work
enable opening to non-ordinary (holotropic) states of consciousness. In these states, the inner healing wisdom of every individual gets activated and brings to one’s awareness important unconscious contents that usually reside deep in our psyche.
Who is Stan Grof?
Dr. Stanislav Grof is a
Extraordinary scientist
Paradigm breaking psychiatrist
Humble human being
Throughout his reach and over half-century long professional work his primary interest has been and still is in research of transformative and healing potentials of non-ordinary states of consciousness. Together with his wife Christina he developed Holotropic Breathwork™ when he was Scholar-in-Residence at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California.
Upcoming Events
Join us at one of the upcoming Holotropic BreatworkTM workshops or Grof Transpersonal Training modules.